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User Registration Form always returns error that user name field is empty 23 Chris Hajer
AJAX/Gravity Forms/Shadowbox.js 4 David Peralty
Modal confirmation before submit 3 Vayu
Single page, multiple forms viewed within individual modal windows - not working 4 iconicgroupcanada
Reset form after Confirmation 3 gbotica
closed Using Ajax with contact form in modal window getting 2 spinners 7 gbotica
closed trouble getting form to load in plain page template 4 Rob Harrell
closed Fancy Box Modal Window 6 David Peralty
closed Cannot edit columns on Entires page 2 David Peralty
Confirmation broken when form shown in modal window using Zurb Foundation Reveal 3 footprintvt
closed Save data as entry from own custom form 7 Rob Harrell
Lightbox or Modal Automatic Form 1 keyelement3
After update, enabling AJAX causes form to disappear in Fancybox 8 Alex Cancado
Not redirecting to PayPal from modal window 2 David Smith
Opening a form with EasyFancybox plugin 6 sascha
Using shortcode inside form check box field 5 bumperbucks
Forms will not submit 4 Chris Hajer
Exit lightbox on submit? 2 Carl Hancock
Inserting form into Facebook 3 boala
closed Jump to referer url after form submission 2 David Smith
closed Bulk Add/Predefined Choices not working 17 WebEndev
How-to: "I've read and accepted privacy policy" field linking to a pop-up window 1 Elena
closed Newbie- Question on two items. 3 sridhar
closed inquire about "something" - custom post meta 6 Carl Hancock
Modal Windows, Send to PDF after filling form, Regional Emails 9 Carl Hancock
Pop up modal after submit 4 David Smith
Display form at log-in 5 Eizore
Conditional Logic making form not load in Safari 4 Dewey Bushaw
Creating a popup Form from a WordPress Menu 6 GOSHdigital
CSS issue with modal window 2 Kevin Flahaut