Topic Posts Last Poster Freshness
Conditional Logic Groups - Allowing for And/Or 1 jkirker 11 years Integration 7 Chris Hajer 11 years
Feature Suggestion: Local Storage (Sisyphus) 9 David Peralty 11 years
Word limit vs. Character limit 5 David Peralty 11 years
upload file size limit control 3 baskett 11 years
gform_filter_leads 8 David Smith 11 years
Label Placement Bottom Aligned? 4 David Peralty 11 years
Save for later 4 David Peralty 11 years
Saving partially filled forms? 20 juanmarcos 11 years
Export CSV File - Automatically Email Admin 4 ivec 11 years
Stripe add-on +1 7 Naomi 11 years
Advanced Post Creation add-on 5 David Peralty 11 years
show entries in specific posts 3 skytaker 11 years
export multiple entries forms in gravity 2 David Peralty 11 years
Conditional Logic in Post Template? 2 David Peralty 11 years
Survey Addon Values + Survey Results 2 Chris Hajer 11 years
Google Analytics Tracking Addons Request 3 Chris Hajer 11 years
Query posts database using form fields 2 Chris Hajer 11 years
Add country to address field 2 Chris Hajer 11 years
Export all entries at once 11 Idealien 11 years
Freshbooks Recurring Invoices 17 David Peralty 11 years
Have expiration dates on fields and selections 2 David Peralty 11 years
Displaying Polls (Randomly and Polls Archive) 5 David Peralty 11 years
ADD DESIGN & CSS to make it easy to style 2 Richard Vav 11 years
Add local browser storage option - perhaps include Sisyphus 2 David Peralty 11 years
Nutshell CRM addon 3 Roimedia 11 years
Different messages from pre- and post dates for scheduled forms 4 Trisha 11 years
Feature Request: add class to form element or div.gform_body on error 2 David Peralty 11 years
Pricing Slider 4 David Peralty 11 years
Select Currency By Form 4 cordinternational 11 years