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List forms in dropdown within options pages 3 wilrevehl
Can't get dropdown to work with PayPal Add-on 3 Carl Hancock
closed Ability to add default to dropdown that can't be chosen. 10 jreither
Drop Down 7 Hedonfire1
Use a dropdown field to post-custom-field etc 3 wcdco
Define a dropdown on a previous page and select it automaticly in GravityForms 5 Rian Rietveld
closed automatically populate a dropdown with post titles? 43 Carl Hancock
amember info and dropdown menu question 3 Carl Hancock
Using a dropdown for Address field and adding dropdown predefined lists 3 kyle
Substitute list for category dropdown 3 anu.gupta
User Levels for Authors re: dropdown menu 5 jpack
Dropdown - Close form 2 Carl Hancock
How do you add custom PHP validation to a gform field? 2 Carl Hancock
Use 2-letter country codes in value attribute of dropdown 4 interconnectit
Advanced Settings 3 webucast
closed Sort order of category dropdown 3 TiborP
Dropdown lookup from separate WP DB table 2 Carl Hancock
dropdowns in thesis css help 4 Carl Hancock
Select from drop-down field - shows different information alongside 5 davethackeray
jQuery Select Menu Integration 2 Kevin Flahaut
Separate name / value options for dropdowns, multiple choice, etc 3 Chris Hajer
Filter for mergin fields 2 Alex Cancado