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Form does not display, breaks content 10 Chris Hajer
Cant upload files larger then 6mb with custom form 2 Carl Hancock
Multiple fields on single line + multiple pages form 4 Rob Harrell
Publishing to a new wordpress post. 2 Rob Harrell
closed Can't find any instructions to post form data to external url 18 Peter
closed How can I show the form after submission? 8 David Smith
Move error/confirmation notices 3 abmcosta
Adding fields via PHP 4 Chris Hajer
Dynamically Populating a form to send an email to the Post Author's email 2 Chris Hajer
closed Counting responses 11 David Smith
closed Forms for each of my authors? 7 Chris Hajer
closed Retrieve form title and post title to use in Gform_upload_path filter function 2 Chris Hajer
closed How to pass a value from a link to a form field? 4 Rob Harrell
Gravity Forms + User Registration + Displaying custom form field on a page 4 antonv
Gravity forms for a product catalogue... 4 Chris Hajer
closed Mailchimp feed - can't create one 8 Carl Hancock
closed Can't edit my form fields 12 furlongdesign
Retrive Form Object Data 1 Idealien
Field options based on entry in another form 5 Chris Hajer
closed Required Fields 3 Chris Hajer
Form Style Help 2 Chris Hajer
How to auto delete pre populated fields when selected? 2 David Smith
closed List Bullets showing in form 4 Rob Harrell
closed host form on amazon s3 2 Joachim Kudish
Multi-Page Form Freezing, not moving forward 4 Chris Hajer
closed Only one submission per forms 14 Chris Hajer
closed adding fields to post 4 Chris Hajer
closed Shortcodes causing problems with Gravity Forms shortcodes 6 tanmedia
closed (doc) Feature Request: CSS Gallery 11 phirefly
closed Fill textfield with page title 4 Carl Hancock