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closed Checkboxes and text don't align nicely 4 Fred Romano
closed IE8 labels left aligned 5 Kevin Flahaut
Labels will not align left. 4 Kevin Flahaut
Adding a value to notifications based on the value of a field 4 Carl Hancock
closed Allow HTML in field label 8 jkovach
closed Adding label after field 3 Jean-Francois Arseneault
closed How do I correctly position State text? 4 Kevin Flahaut
potential bug for conditional logic 11 m4change
Help with CSS on multiple choice 2 David Smith
closed Can't Seem To Format Title Text Properly 6 Kevin Flahaut
closed Multiple Choice - Different labels and values 8 Carl Hancock
closed Drop down menu value 4 Carl Hancock
Lost in CSS forms: How to... 3 Kevin Flahaut
Best practice to target a label... 4 Kevin Flahaut
Retrieving label from the database of a form 5 Trevor
Query String for Value instead of Label 6 gmcalp
Change width of label column 3 nashvilleama
Thesis Field Label Wrap Down to Second Line 6 Kevin Flahaut
2 different font sizes in the same label 2 Kevin Flahaut
Form titles don't show up 3 Kevin Flahaut
closed Simple CSS question 7 gringojason
closed Some of the sub text on my fields is showing up wrong 9 Kevin Flahaut
label to input field 3 Taeke