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closed Form Creating Post 5 Alice Kaye
closed Fixed Dropdown Field Width 6 Rob Harrell
closed Page breaks result empty page when one a few choices are selected 5 zumaxb2
closed Form in Footer widget appears different on home and interior pages 8 Rob Harrell
closed Change behavior of default value in email field 7 Rob Harrell
closed image thumbnails for HTML checkbox items - when image is clicked, open lightbox 12 Rob Harrell
Recommend a modal box plugin? 10 Seth
closed labels only partially showing 2 Rob Harrell
closed Enable Enhanced user Interface - Drop Down field hidden behind - 1.6 Beta 2 16 sascha
closed Spacing between field and description 2 Rob Harrell
closed Form needs combination of .top_label and .left_label 4 Rob Harrell
closed Moving the required field span before the label text 3 Lea Cohen
closed Conditional Logic detailed example 7 Chris Hajer
closed Text field beside question instead of below 23 Carl Hancock
closed Plugin for Styling 12 Chris Hajer
closed Headway and Gravity CSS 13 Rob Harrell
closed Need help formatting products with HTML headings inline 4 Rob Harrell
closed Passing Form Data To PayPal 12 Carl Hancock
closed Multi-Column Radio Button Pricing Chart 4 Rob Harrell
closed IE9 Issue - 4 Rob Harrell
closed Need Help with Thesis custom_functions.php and WP Shortcodes 4 Rob Harrell
closed Show text box if a checkbox is selected - best method? 5 Rob Harrell