Topic — Add New » Posts Last Poster
closed Multiple Choice Matrix 34 Psyspi
Removing Uploaded Files 17 David Peralty
Security/SSL options. 50 David Peralty
How to delete a form entry when I delete a post? 6 David Peralty
Is it possible to add a form for voting with stars ? 11 Ajax
Calculations, % Discount Possible? 11 Chris Hajer
Gravity Forms and Sugar CRM Community Edition - any chance of a plugin? 23 macgrela
closed 3.6 compatibility with new UI tabs 3 Alex Cancado
Jquery Slider Field 15 armagri
Form showcases, Interesting uses, etc 10 Dany
Drop Down - Require any choice BUT first 5 David Peralty
change notify parameters of multiple forms at the same time 6 David Peralty
closed Pre-populating fields 13 Chris Hajer
optgroup 9 Chris Hajer
closed submit to a specific Groups ? 27 David Peralty
Select a type which puts them in a certain role 7 Chris Hajer
Conditional Logic - contains when field is a drop down 7 Chris Hajer
Correct / Incorrect Quiz Validation 7 Chris Hajer
closed Single GF Form on Multiple Sites without iframes 13 Chris Hajer
Hashcash, Akismet and Honey Pots 30 Chris Hajer
Placeholder changes after using conditional logic 7 Chris Hajer 19
closed Repeat/Same Information in a Form - Autofill 7 Chris Hajer
closed gform_pre_render hook firing even if form is not found 3 David Peralty
closed Gravity Forms and Custom post types and taxonomies 20 Chris Hajer
Email Routing Form Admin Style. 2 Chris Hajer
closed Edit entries within web frontend 10 David Peralty
List Field (minimum number of lines?) 8 Chris Hajer
closed GetResponse Integration ? 10 tvegas
closed Role permission to prevent user from viewing GF help 17 Chris Hajer