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Reoccuring and Once-off charges on the same form 2 Chris Hajer
gform_after_submission error message 2 David Smith
Can form2 access existing form1 data 4 Carl Hancock
closed How to set the max value of the list programatically 8 David Smith
closed Gravity forms 1.6 list feature with more advanced elements (drop downs etc.) 7 Richard Vav
TIME response, asap please: specific multisite registration needs 5 Chris Hajer
closed Form Settings Action || Hook 2 Alex Cancado
closed Still showing "Blender Version" after removing call to gform_after_submission 3 Chris Hajer
Control over ALT and TITLE tags for images in posts 6 Chris Hajer
Delivering Forms to multiple users 4 Chris Hajer
closed Can't view any posts after a search 9
closed Validating an array with gform_validation 10 Chris Hajer
New Hook to add an entry for the Toolbar 3 fuhrmara
Variables and data formats 4 Chris Hajer
closed custom profile page possible? 7 Carl Hancock
closed Slow page loading with Gravity Form & paypal ads & hook 3 yorg
Need direction on how to build a form 2 Carl Hancock
closed TIP for Gravity Forms / Paypal Developers / Integrators 2 Carl Hancock
Subscription cancelled: end of term vs. refund/chargeback? 2 Carl Hancock
closed I'd like an overview of all available action and filter hooks 18 Chris Hajer
Disable Post Creation During Ajax Submission? 1 jeffreyrbk
gform_get_field_value hook in RGFormsModel::get_lead_field_value() 4 Alex Cancado
user can complete registration later with password/username 11 Carl Hancock
closed User Tracking ID 13 dustinmattison
Equivalent of str_replace() on specific field of form 3 Cliff Seal
gform_user_registered hook not working? 4 David Smith
Email Sublabels Hook 1 highvoltag3
Form Validation to require slash before and after name 1 DaveLampson
Way to detect validation error 2 Carl Hancock
closed Hooks and Filters Example Improvement 8 Carl Hancock