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Recurring Donations 1 bethgsanders
Form submitting/saving after confirmed payment? 4 pixeledstudios
closed site migrated to new URL; need Paypal IPN (and link) to update forms 4 Rob Harrell
User Defined Price Not Submitting to PayPal When "Price" is Empty for Option 1 cgrymala
closed Possible bug with PayPal add-on for pay-to-create-post forms? 4 Jordi Damwichers
closed paypal - not paid but forms still submits entry ? 4 Rob Harrell
closed PayPal Instant Payment Notification Warning 10 Rob Harrell
PayPal: Multiple Accounts Possible? NonProfit Donations? 2 Rob Harrell
Enhancement Request: Donation field - Ability to set min. and max.$ amounts 4 Brian Ashley
closed PayPal and/or PayPal Pro Not Working as Expected 5 Rob Harrell
skip why use paypal page? 2 Rob Harrell
closed Donations, Subscriptions, Feeds and Notifications 9 Rob Harrell
Gravity Forms overriding PayPal auto return & PDT 6 Alex Cancado
Passing A Deposit Total to Paypal 6 Rob Harrell
Take a deposit ability 4 Rob Harrell
closed Getting the "Fatal error: Class 'RGForms' not found in" error 3 Rob Harrell
need other fields from form to show up in paypal 2 norcross
closed Linking more than one form to Paypal account 7 Rob Harrell
closed Paypal Add-On - charging in USD- can I change it to CAD? 3 melanieotg
Different Paypal account used I can't identify user 8 Rob Harrell
Getting error when working with Paypal Sandbox 8 Rob Harrell
Tax in the front end working - Back end is not 4 David Smith
closed Add product_wrapper class to all Paypal forms 2 Carl Hancock
PayPal un-encrypted Buttons Errors 3 andreamdavis1
PayPal IPN 4 hawkeye
Disable items in a Paypal product dropdown 4 Rob Harrell
closed Donation Form with "Other Amount" Option 4 Rob Harrell
Donation Page for Paypal Plugin 2 tribry
closed Let Buyers Edit Price 3 Trevor
Add surcharge to the Total on form. 10 samwinslow