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How to change the language of GF? 4 CompleXz
Detect Site Language (WPML) To Populate Field for Mailchimp 2 Bukco13
Picatcha localization 1 donaker
closed Localization PayPal 9 Chris Hajer
Form not recognizing field values in IE9 5 seiu32bj
closed Strange plugin translation problem 5 saverio.daronco
date dropdown style 7 David Peralty
Gravity Forms in Multi Language SIte 2 Chris Hajer
WPML & GravityForms Paging Steps & button images? 7 Chris Hajer
Submitting a form creates a new blank draft post? 6 Chris Hajer
Add new shortcode "Language code" in notification title 2 Chris Hajer
po files 10 Chris Hajer
Different languages on the same site 6 Chris Hajer
Gravity form not functioning properly - keeps timing out 4 David Peralty
Gravity & WPML alphabetic sort of translated country list? 10 donaker
ReCAPTCHA language auto detection with WPML 2 Chris Hajer
Gravity Forms and WPML String Translation conflict 6 rjksn
closed Oops! We could not locate your form 3 David Peralty
closed Adding WPML language to post 12 Chris Hajer
WPML + GF major conflict at activation 5 David Peralty
Use relative path when redirect 11 kingjeffrey
Add class to submit button 4 David Peralty
closed Plugin Conflict with WPML String Translation - Form Editor/Builder UI issue 3 Rob Harrell
Field Values cut off at 200 chars in locales different than EN_US 7
closed English language for notification email 2 Dana Cobb
closed WPML + Gravity Forms Plugin Conflict 3 jumato
closed Bulk Add/Predefined Choices - Plugin Conflict 5 WebEndev
closed Gravity Forms 1.6 rc5 - saving-bug 8 David Smith
Download older versions? 9 Chris Hajer
Still not able to delete input fields! 7 Chris Hajer