Topic Posts Last Poster Freshness
Registration process for an event 2 Chris Hajer 12 years
Assigning a submission to an author that already exists. 6 David Peralty 12 years
User Reg previews correctly... but 9 Chris Hajer 12 years
Form not showing up on page 5 boundlessdata 12 years
Re-captcha not working with gform_field_value_ filter. 3 Dana Cobb 12 years
Is it possible to import users ? 3 Chris Hajer 12 years
why wp_sitemeta getting entry_id? 3 Ünsal Korkmaz 12 years
saving data from forms for users 7 Chris Hajer 12 years
All Users of a Role Register for Primary Site (multisite) 24 David Peralty 12 years
How do I allow users to edit their submissions? 4 David Peralty 12 years
Creating Custom Password Reset Form 2 Chris Hajer 12 years
Email Activation Functionality? 5 Rob Harrell 12 years
Caching plugin issue, custom meta data, and showing wrong number of subscribers 2 Chris Hajer 12 years
Show Toolbar when viewing site 5 David Peralty 12 years
Dynamically populate upload fields 3 vdpgo 12 years
User Meta not being stored into wp_usermeta table 4 anjoalre 12 years
Assign Roles with User Registration 8 iamtyce 12 years
Auto Login after registration - how to stop it! 4 David Peralty 12 years
Getting custom user meta data to show up in dashboard User database 3 jpstudios0106 12 years
BuddyPress 1.6 beta-1 problem solution 3 Ünsal Korkmaz 12 years
One page, two forms, two recaptchas 1 TakeRoot 12 years
Gravity form default and not wp-signup.php 1 Fuller 12 years
How do I setup Gravity Forms so Wordpress uses that user registration form? 9 Chris Hajer 12 years
Displaying a Login Box for "Require a Login Message". 2 Chris Hajer 12 years
Can GF User Registration Add-on allow users to add, edit, delete own form data? 2 Grumpster2 12 years
Create user and site before update_paypal_query is fired 1 brentoe 12 years
User Registration Add-on 2 David Peralty 12 years
Register User not working when "Register user only when a payment is received" 8 David Peralty 12 years
multifunction redirection user registrations form(s) 1 chris corey 12 years
Display form after login 2 mark jones 12 years