Topic Posts Last Poster Freshness
Login Form with Gravity Forms 2 Chris Hajer 11 years
Multiple Update User Roles in One Form 4 Chris Hajer 11 years
File is not an image when using wp_get_image_editor 2 Chris Hajer 11 years
First And Last Name Registration Information is not being saved 3 Chris Hajer 11 years
Mapping dropdown values to a dropdown user meta values 3 David Peralty 11 years
Redirect URL 4 etalageplus 11 years
User Meta 8 hexdigital 11 years
[rfc patch] link to activation page 4 arapov 11 years
Tracking user referrals 3 hatmandu 11 years
Custom role shows as an option for the site role but doesn't exist on new site 1 InGroupDesign 11 years
User Registration -- created site URL is broken 5 InGroupDesign 11 years
creating a site with the username 11 kale407 11 years
User notification email (registration and details changes) including password 2 Chris Hajer 11 years
Page Break Breaks User Registration Form 2 Chris Hajer 11 years
How come there's no real documentation on the "Update" feed? 3 11 years
Possible to create two users in one form? 3 sbcarlos 11 years
User Registration - Activation Link produces input field 5 David Peralty 11 years
Numbering system User Registration Add-On 3 Rob Harrell 11 years
User registration welcome email - user first 0r last name 5 Josh Fialkoff 11 years
[SOLVED] Multi-site User Registration - First Name and Last Name not being saved 3 Richard Vav 11 years
File Upload - files are not deleted from folder when uploading new/deleting 3 dashaluna 11 years
Only allow users with specific email (has to end in to sign up? 4 Richard Vav 11 years
Admin edit user accounts on the front end 2 David Peralty 11 years
Members being activated before payment 2 Rob Harrell 11 years
Automatic login 2 David Peralty 11 years
Image / logo / avatar for user 9 dashaluna 11 years
User capability for custom post type being reset when new user registered 3 dmjarvis 11 years
Editing other user's data 2 David Peralty 11 years
List Field Bug in User Registration Update 3 Chris Hajer 11 years
How to remove '[WordPress]' from user registration confirmation subject line 3 Nick Davis 11 years