Topic Posts Last Poster Freshness
Woocommerce 4 David Peralty 12 years
Invoicing and Emailing 3 Chris Hajer 12 years
Aweber + Buddy Press 2 David Peralty 12 years
Send form entries to multiple databases 7 David Peralty 12 years
Order Forms / Discount Codes 2 David Peralty 12 years
Pricing Fields formula 4 David Peralty 12 years
Form progress bar with images targeting different pages. 9 dez 12 years
set number of submissions 8 Rob Harrell 12 years
How to cancel a license key but keep using Gravity Forms 4 Rob Harrell 12 years
Features 2 Chris Hajer 12 years
Paid Membership and Surveys/Forms 1 chrisp2349 12 years
Can we create School Management with Gravity Forms? 2 David Peralty 12 years
Multiple accounts, one wp site 3 media 12 years
Licence has expired before 1 year?! 2 Rob Harrell 12 years
Customize form output and attach it to email? 2 Chris Hajer 12 years
PayPal examples or showcase? 6 Rob Harrell 12 years
Need consulting advice on how to integrate gravity forms with woocommerce & POS 1 brickelljewelers 12 years
Member Functions 3 milo99 12 years
Mad Mimi question 4 Chris Hajer 12 years
Notification Email to User 3 Jed Rosenberg 12 years
Add new fields to form dynamically using a button or link 9 Chris Hajer 12 years
promotion code 2 Chris Hajer 12 years
Review selections before submitting 3 sarlw03 12 years
PayPal Integration 9 uphamg 12 years
Trying to create a web form for a studio rental facility 3 Chris Hajer 12 years
refund 2 David Peralty 12 years
A consent form before uploading 9 Chris Hajer 12 years
Capabilities 2 Chris Hajer 12 years
Will Gravity let me do this? 2 Chris Hajer 12 years
Conditional fill field from other field 2 David Peralty 12 years