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closed How to stop users entering HTML? 6 Phil
Adding an image to a form 9 David Peralty
closed Make Image inside Radio button clickable 4 Chris Hajer
Broken HTML markup for Custom Field from Post Fields Category 1 dashaluna
WYSIWYG HTML Editor in HTML Fields 5 andyleppard
HTML in field description 6 David Peralty
Limit gforms allowable tags to specific field 1 johnsamwallace
closed True HTML Block - Is there a way? 9 jkirker
Removing HTML code in order receipt 1 scooter714
Preserving newlines in a field populated pre-submission. 2 David Peralty
closed add image to a form 5 cazwilson
HTML Block Output in Email Notifications and on Pages 11 davidcom
closed Question on HTML block and signature add-on 3 Rob Harrell
Please make GravityForms suppress Wordpress line spacing 3 Adwiz
All select menus in Date drop down field has same ID 6 Chris Hajer
E-mail notification in html problem 2 Chris Hajer
Insert info from one field into another 2 Chris Hajer
Conditional logic in html field does not work anymore 8 David Peralty
HTML not rendering in notifications or posts made from GF 9 bharvey42
Display an image into a gravity form 6 Chris Hajer
Sidebar Pushed to the Bottom 2 Chris Hajer
I *think* HTML form embed is working - am I missing something? 4 David Peralty
closed GF for Visual Presentation of Configurable Product Options 6 Chris Hajer
closed add HTML to the Form Settings (advanced tab) 7 David Peralty
Static Text in the form 7 Salterra
closed Spacing per merge fields 8 Chris Hajer
Possible to Use Gravity Forms Outside of Wordpress? 8 David Peralty
Aligning Buttons and DIV Elements (CSS Issue) 7 theslink2000
Notifications - CSS and HTML 2 Rob Harrell
HTML Being Stripped Out from HTML Block 15 Chris Hajer