Topic Posts Last Poster Freshness
The Advantage of Using a PayPal Add-On 5 LisaBell 13 years
Incorrect formatted amount 6 Carl Hancock 13 years
Manually approving "stuck" PayPal payments 4 Carl Hancock 13 years
Paypal addon - unsubscribe button 1 befound 13 years
Add-On Update Notification Issue on WordPress 11 teggen 13 years
Paypal not working 3 Carl Hancock 13 years
Code improvements: double title attribute, insert ID 1 pronamic 13 years
Can you use PayPal plugin to send invoice only? 2 Carl Hancock 13 years
Building membership site with GF and Members 10 TurboWebs 13 years
Adding paypal transaction fee 12 Carl Hancock 13 years
gform_post_payment_status Hook Not returning values 3 macky 13 years
Donation fields 20 Carl Hancock 13 years
Use PayPal Merchant ID Instead of Email Address 5 Carl Hancock 13 years
Products AND donation together don't both get through to paypal 2 Carl Hancock 13 years
Multiple Choice User Defined Prices 6 Carl Hancock 13 years
Theme conflict happening with Total field 8 Carl Hancock 13 years
Payment by posts ( Article Buyer ) 1 László Patai 13 years
Paypal Not Redirecting *I do have a "product" listed. 2 David Smith 13 years
user not being registered after payment approval 5 David Smith 13 years
User not being registered after payment approval 4 Carl Hancock 13 years
Quantity needs a valid number: but it is! 9 stephencounsell 13 years
Guest Payments Paypal 5 Suzette 13 years
How to change IPN settings? 2 Carl Hancock 13 years
PayPal transactions not showing what was purchased 2 Carl Hancock 13 years
Paypal add-on and taxes 11 Carl Hancock 13 years
total field question 3 adomedia 13 years
PayPal activated but won't redirect 3 LW 13 years
PayPal Add On - Pricing 6 bklahrke 13 years
Donation items not working with CSS Style "gf_list_3col" 3 Edtek 13 years
Aligning check box horizontally 2 Carl Hancock 13 years