Topic Posts Last Poster Freshness
PayPal - Specify Purpose 10 Chris Hajer 12 years
Paypal Shipping and tax not being sent back to Gforms 5 Chris Hajer 12 years
Admin notification email sent before payment is received 10 Chris Hajer 12 years
Passing the Value to Paypal rather than the Label 8 Carl Hancock 12 years
Redirection to my site after paypal payment 6 Carl Hancock 12 years
Change PayPal Description? 4 Chris Hajer 12 years
[SPAM] PayPal Instant Payment Notification Warning 2 Chris Hajer 12 years
Paypal Pro add-on subscription not working 4 bizingenuity 12 years
PayPal Pro Plugin - IPN for cancelling subscription not updating entry in GF 4 Alex Cancado 12 years
PayPal Standard Addon Doesn't work 3 Rob Harrell 12 years
load time lag between gravity forms and paypal 2 Chris Hajer 12 years
Sending PayPal payments receipts with PayPal Pro addon 2 Chris Hajer 12 years
Creating a front end form for users to post event and set ticket price 5 Chris Hajer 12 years
Separate Shipping/Billing Address 4 Chris Hajer 12 years
Dynamic number of PayPal recurring payments 1 Clifford 12 years
Using a List Field with PayPal 5 Chris Hajer 12 years
Changing PayPal address before it's sent to Paypal (B2B Setup) 1 dimensionmedia 12 years
Payment status always on "Processing" 4 Chris Hajer 12 years
Let non-members users Pay Later a non predetermined price 10 bluantinoo 12 years
Adding HST to form 4 Chris Hajer 12 years
Paypal Advanced not Pro or Standard 5 sandiegopchelp 12 years
Gravity Forms PayPal Add-On 1.6.8? 4 Chris Hajer 12 years
Check Payment Status & Pay Later 15 Chris Hajer 12 years
Multiple Paypal buttons for one form? 2 Rob Harrell 12 years
Extra data to order summary paypal via gform_paypal_query hook 6 Chris Hajer 12 years
Security warning after payment 13 Alex Cancado 12 years
This Page is unsecured 20 Alex Cancado 12 years
Paypal Payment - Discounts and Links 2 Chris Hajer 12 years
PayPal IPN URL Failing 5 Chris Hajer 12 years
Please Note: This is currently a beta test release. 2 Chris Hajer 12 years