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Database implementieren 2 David Peralty
auto populate drop down menu 2 Chris Hajer
Drop-down filter for user registration 4 Chris Hajer
Remove negative numbers in Number Field 7 Chris Hajer
closed how to find field names?? 4 David Peralty
Auto populate drop down for "County" after "State" is selected 2 David Peralty
copy of "drop down" 5 Edson Cruz
Auto Populate Drop Down using a List or an Array (gform_pre_render) 5 ratputin
Drop down showing first taxonomy 5 David Peralty
closed Rounded corners in IE7-IE8 5 joeakers
Enhanced User Interface Drop-Down and Internet Explorer 2 Chris Hajer
Is there a populate_posts function for categories? 2 David Peralty
closed drop-down list not wide enough 3 David Peralty
Conditional Logic on drop down choices? 4 gressli
generating custom url based on dropdown selection - confirmation screen 4 Rob Harrell
closed Product Drop Down choice only showing price in entries 7 Chris Hajer
[order form] GF not passing value to notification email 12 ZeadsDead
closed Drop Down selection effects second drop down 7 Chris Hajer
closed Product Price not available as a field in notifications 3 David Peralty
closed Display form list field input + textarea 6 Chris Hajer
closed passing conditional user meta 14 Chris Hajer
Calculation via drop-downs - possible, or alternative option? 4 Rob Harrell
Drop Down Options 5 Chris Hajer
Multiple select and default value 8 David Smith
closed Just a list of states 4 Rob Harrell
closed Bug : Conditional Logic is based on Value rather than Label 4 Chris Hajer
Pre-select dropdown field option (pass variable) 5 Chris Hajer
closed Multi-Currency in Pricing Fields 4 craigedmonds
Info Only displaying on form output 4 Rob Harrell
closed Populate drop down with existing users first and last name as one option 7 Chris Hajer