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Notifications seem to reset when editing form 2 Carl Hancock
confirmation message doesn't work 6 thinkamap
Form Editor Page Freezes/Locks-up 4 Kevin Flahaut
Gravity Forms sends multiple copies of email notification 17 kathygannett
Sidebar disappears on form submit 10 Kevin Flahaut
3 times confirm e-mail, why? 5 lindebjerg
Form Won't Save 6 Carl Hancock
Email Routing Not Working 9 Charles Smith
Form is sending multiple notifications 7 Carl Hancock
Forms Won't Save 4 Carl Hancock
can't update form 2 Carl Hancock
Odd behavior with form on submit in Chrome, Firefox and IE8 11 Carl Hancock
Unable to Insert Form on a Page 2 Carl Hancock
Admin images for the switches are messed up. 6 Carl Hancock
long form and no scrollbar... 6 Kevin Flahaut
Theme Conflict - Please help 4 Kevin Flahaut
Blank title? 2 Kevin Flahaut
Checboxes are only returning ONE item instead of all the items checked 10 Carl Hancock
closed Form worked for a while and then disappeared 15 ideaturf
Can't edit any form fields 3 Kevin Flahaut