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closed Email Notification Formatting Issue & Solution 2 Richard Vav
closed Email Notifications Not Working - POSSIBLE SOLUTION 2 Richard Vav
closed Unique email requirement blocks unused addresses 2 Rob Harrell
closed Upon update 1.5 you cannot use the email field to populate the username field! 9 chobson
closed Email Address Being Rejecte as Username 7 chobson
closed Notification to User missing 12 David Peralty
closed Entries with no Transaction ID notification not being sent 2 David Peralty
closed Send a thank you notification email 4 Rob Harrell
closed Profanity filter possible on post form? 3 eCurtis
closed Building custom Notification Email template 4 Rob Harrell
Custom Meta Boxes text in e-mail 8 David Peralty
Hide 'parts' of a forms email submission 8 stevie
GForms and MS365 10 David Peralty
Notifications not working and Emails not being stored 6 David Peralty
closed SMTP Settings? 5 grnaomi
Notifications not sending. 1 Ben
Autoexport to Email 2 David Peralty
Email validation rejecting plus symbol 3 David Peralty
closed Build a WordPress Gravity Form that will capture a video, then email that video 1 pbwayman
User notification doesn't send 10 tjherman
BUG? Formula field values wrong in Notification emails 3
closed Gravity 1.7.3 forms email admin 7 Rob Harrell
closed User Notification Routing to Separate Emails 7 Rob Harrell
Security/SSL options. 50 David Peralty
closed Custom Email Field Validation Message Not Working With Mailchimp Addon Enabled 3 David Peralty
Email notifications received by some people but not others 3 David Peralty
Preserving newlines in a field populated pre-submission. 2 David Peralty
closed User notification email (registration and details changes) including password 2 Chris Hajer
Authorization code passed to email 18 Chris Hajer
Sending email based on date picker field 20 Samantha