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Automatic/Programmatic Email Routing in functions.php? 13 Idealien
closed Email Notifications not working 18 Carl Hancock
closed Email field confirmation 3 gbotica
Notifications to user working fine. Notifications to admin not working. 15 kkropp
How to include selected checkbox-values in the email-subject? 2 Carl Hancock
Name and email sent as notification 8 Carl Hancock
closed Send user notification to multiple email addresses 2 David Smith
GF not sneding me any contact emails 1 infoseek
Submission email recipient 2 Kevin Flahaut
Notifications 1 dwenaus
closed Uploads not being emailed... 12 Carl Hancock
closed Email the form back to the user? 2 Carl Hancock
closed Notification "From Email" not working? 21 Matthew Bookspan
closed drop down value different than content text 15 ramon fincken
Giving users option to email a copy of a form to themselves? 2 Kevin Flahaut
Unable to make gravity work. 6 Carl Hancock
Embed Post Title into email form 3 masonjames
Confirm Email field 11 Carl Hancock
Notifications not being received using Google Gmail Apps 4 milehigh
Recommend to a friend email form 1 justinbasini
Retrieving label from the database of a form 5 Trevor
Having trouble sending email from Gravity Forms. 3 Carl Hancock
Emails sent to email account isntead sending just a notify message? 3 brunocrtmonteiro
Can a reader send an email with a form message from my blog with GF 12 Carl Hancock
Multiple email addresses in Routing 8 STB
Option for Sender to Receive a Copy of their Message 3 Fred Romano
Check box data missing from form and Email notification ? 3 jamesalexmsg
Gravity Forms sends multiple copies of email notification 17 kathygannett
Email Load - Potential GF Add-on? 4 donnacha
Email Field 8 cbg