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closed Poll Results different on front end than from back end 4 Richard Vav
closed Customize Google charts 4 David Peralty
XML edits to existing form? 5 elurie
closed Survey vs Polls and Charting / graphing? 4 David Peralty
closed Poll cookie does not work 9 Chris Hajer
Polls Add-on | Percentage Results don't add up 5 Engage
Displaying Polls (Randomly and Polls Archive) 5 David Peralty
closed Poll options within a post 3 nickhas
Confused about displaying poll results 11 Chris Hajer
With poll Add-On is there a way to make the field "other" add to the selections 4 Chris Hajer
Issue with exporting CSV file from polls add-on 5 Chris Hajer
closed Share items you voted for with facebook and twitter? 11 Boston
closed Show results in order of most votes to least? 4 Boston
Viewing data 3 Chris Hajer
closed Click "Show results" and page get scrambled 10 Chris Hajer
Display Poll Results 5 Chris Hajer
Entry count wrong after delete 5 Scott Hack
closed Notification style too much gray space! 6 Chris Hajer
Using the Poll add on for rating posts - how to add the postid to the poll? 4 Steve Henty
Poll with thumbs up/down for voting. 5 sagacomm
closed Polling System Customization 10 gbtechsulting
closed Quiz Capabilities 2 Rob Harrell
Strange large gray area in my email notification 7 Chris Hajer
closed Polls plugin shows results when display_results="false" 2 Steve Henty
Why is there a Polls Add-On Page? 7 Chris Hajer
Can Gravity forms do something like this? 3 Chris Hajer
closed Presale: User created polls 2 Chris Hajer
Feature Request - Polling 20 lenski
aggregate data 4 Bulletproof
closed Polls status? 5 rbl