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Customize email notification 5 reubz
Notification merge tags broken with name field set to extended and required 3 JDeems
Email notifications received by some people but not others 3 David Peralty
Notifications Bug When Upgrading to 1.7? 1 webosis
Notifications WERE working, now not, no change in settings 2 David Peralty
Cannot use Visual Editor for Email Notification Messages 2 Steve Napierski
closed Thank you page not redirecting 6 Chris Hajer
closed Bug: hiding state / province still shows it in the e-mail 2 Rob Harrell
Merge Tag {referer} removed from select list since upgrade 5 David Peralty
Notification emails showing HTML table structure 2 David Peralty
closed Notifications are Blank 5 Rob Harrell
ADDRESS field not a choice when configuring conditional routing? 1 contractors
closed How to add only certain fields in notifications based on another field 3 Rob Harrell
Enable admin notification for only two forms 5 bhargavy
Notifications settings not showing! 1 robinrismyhr
Custom Post Type Title Not Populating in Form Entry Screen 1 craiggrella
Not receiving email notifications 17 upc1977
Notifications Very Spotty with 1.7 4 provirtual
closed "Thank you" Notification Only After Successful Payment 4 Rob Harrell
Resend Notifications not working in Gravity Forms 1.7 7 David Peralty
Notifications for both "EMAIL" and "ROUTING"? 4 dlove93
Ver. 1.6.12 Notifications not saving 5 3rdstreet
Form not working 6 David Peralty
Notifications Conditional 3 Ruby
Form Submission Directed to Specific Email Depending on Radio Button Selection 4 David Peralty
email form so far then continue 3 Rob Harrell
Gravity Forms v1.7 Notifications and Fields 2 David Peralty
Is there a way to notify the wordpress admin when something goes wrong? 2 Richard Vav
closed PayPal Add-On: Send Notification bug 10 Chris Hajer
Dynamic Populated Dropdown problem 4 hawk357