Topic Posts Last Poster Freshness
Widget in wordpress enabled external page 2 Chris Hajer 11 years
Rename Campaign Monitor - Reseller 29 Hiranthi 11 years
Bulk import API call = GF won't trigger 4 Chris Hajer 11 years
Adding more than 1 opt-in condition 4 Chris Hajer 11 years
Campaign Monitor *and* User Registration 5 Pynchros 11 years
Fatal error in combination with other CM plugin 8 Chris Hajer 11 years
Plugin is hanging... 14 David Peralty 12 years
Values passed to Campaign Monitor from custom taxonomy array 2 Chris Hajer 12 years
problem mapping Custom Field OPTIONS - appear in GF but only parent in CM 21 Chris Hajer 12 years
Campaign Monitor PHP API Wrapper Version 2 Chris Hajer 12 years
Registration key not being recognised by Campaign Monitor Add on after domain mo 3 Chris Hajer 12 years
Fatal Error when installing campaign monitor add on 3 Jamisoloman 12 years
500 Internal error accessing campaign monitor admin pages and when subscribing 7 David Peralty 12 years
Fatal Error - SSL certificate problem 1 mrwilljackson 12 years
Multisite Issues activating 3 anthonys 12 years
Campaign Monitor Feed Issue 3 cmpennington 12 years
Request: Unsubscribe users from a CM list 1 BeGood 12 years
Plugin Conflicts, Campaign Monitor add-on 4 mmtrav 12 years
Hangs while trying to set up plugin 9 David Peralty 12 years
Subscription to several newsletter with a single form 5 simonbaileydesign 12 years
Multiple Opt-In Conditions for Campaign Monitor add-on 7 djbokka 12 years
Campaign Monitor API for client is being rejected 9 adcSTUDIO 12 years
Styling the Gravity Forms CM widget with Genesis themes 8 Rob Harrell 12 years
Update CM when editing an existing entry 3 squidgemann 12 years
Campaign Monitor name field mix up 6 David Smith 13 years
Can I add to my Campaign Monitor Add-on Feed from a non GF Plugin Form 3 2amMedia 13 years
Fatal Error with Multisite installation 4 Rob Harrell 13 years
Will a Campaign Monitor feed update existing entries with new data? 2 David Smith 13 years
Untranslatable string in campaignmonitor.php on line 423 2 Alex Cancado 13 years
field mapping issue 8 old_blueyes 13 years