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closed Honouring moderation & blacklist settiings 2 Richard Vav
GForms and MS365 10 David Peralty
Form Entry Marked Spam. Results? 3 blakemiller
Trackback Spam on Gravity Forms Pages Problem 2 David Peralty
Entries not saving 8 mcdonna
email notifications not working 12 Chris Hajer
No more form submissions 9 David Peralty
User Registration and Notification issues 21 Chris Hajer
Recaptcha blocked on HTTPS page in IE 5 vostn
552 msg rejected as spam 2 Chris Hajer
closed Trying to create "tell a friend" option in form but it's not working :( 13 Chris Hajer
Email Notifications 4 David Peralty
Hashcash, Akismet and Honey Pots 30 Chris Hajer
closed How to stop Gravity Forms Spam filter? 6 David Peralty
closed Notification to Users ends up in SPAM folder 5 Eliteoomph
closed Notifications 10 Eliteoomph
Captcha vs non-Captcha? 2 David Peralty
Disable wp-register and still use Gforms Reg? Or just change page location? 3 inmn
No Entries Being Saved- 5 David Peralty
form emails marked as spam 8 Chris Hajer
Notification email 'from' field being changed 4 PCVALaw
hosted mail exchange 6 Chris Hajer
closed Spam Registration 10 Dana Cobb
Form isn't saving entries 5 lonelybrand
Form Submissions being Marked as Spam 6 David Peralty
Trash entries based on Keywords 2 Chris Hajer
Enter required value 15 Chris Hajer
closed Form will submit but is not recorded and no e-mails are received 8 Chris Hajer
Only admin receiving email 13 David Peralty
Entries from a particular user consistently flagged as spam 4 David Peralty